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    • My life - Song-*GOODBYE* Check it out, when the spring comes, When love comes, to, meet, Say goodbye to loveaffairs, and that's when you're gone. CHORUS Oh,cuz you ...
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    capture of a precious rose girl.

    capture of a precious rose girl.

Ayumi hanaharu-part 4 (19/04/09)

Sorry for not not writing for such a long time!!! (gomenasai!!!! -_-0)...... anyways...... i'm gonna continue... ^_^

p.s. remember the blant yosa thing?...... It's sakura/sasuke... (naruto) (domo!):

SLAM!!!! As the door opened by yuri with such force. " sorry we're late!! gomen..." apologized yuri bowing so many times while ayumi's eyes were in swirls and imaginary stars floating on her head. " It's alright... Just don't do it again.... but....may i ask.. Is ayumi alright?". Suddenly, the whole class had sweat drop on their heads.

End of school

Ayumi went to hang with her friends. In a burst of seconds, Yuri ran to hug ayumi. " Konichiwa ayumi-chan!!!". Both hagumi and ashiya had crosses in showing annoyed of him always touching ayumi. " e-e-excuse m-me..... P-please stop t-touching or h-hugging me in p-public. I am not c-comfortable of y-you doing that......" as ayumi released both he's hand from her and ran to her friends. " For your info Ayumi.... I've been holding your hand, and been with you this past few days( yesterday -_-0) and you never complain.... plus, since you said only in public...., then can i do it in your house? :-) " said yuri with a smerk.Ayumi almost fainted and both ashiya and hagumi had their mouths opened widely till almost flies went in. " Alright!!!! You asked for it princy!!!!!!", as Hagumi raised him by his shirt and showed him her fist raising". Suddenly, bodyguards with both black suit and sunglasses came out from nowhere. They could've sworn one to two had branches on their heads and suits and immediately ( almost) attacked hagumi. "WAIT!!! dON'T...." SHOUTED ~EHEM~ ~ehem~ shouted yuri. " Hey!!! what the?!!!" cried hagumi suddenly her rage went high and suddenly, the yakuza hagumi obsesed her. She attacked all the bodyguards until some went flying. ~yikes! that's gotta hurt.~ . All went unconcious. Suddenly, a spark of her eye looked towards yuri with an evil smile. Yuri had sweat drop and fell regretful. she hold him high and wanted to punch him until suddenly, ayumi ran and hold her hand to avoid him from hurting him. " I think he's just playing.. right yuri-kun?!" . "yeah!!!!!! .........~think~ maybe~smerk~..." he said still wanting to tease her. " On second thought...... DO IT......~ GLARE~" said ayumi with a different face and voice... " Gladly.....~smerk~" as hagumi raised her fist again. "HEY WAIT!!!! " shouted ashiya within seconds. " OH COME ON!!!!!! READ THE SCRIP WILL YA!!! HOW MANY TIMES AM I GOING TO DO THIS.... AND WHAT TIME ARE WE EVEN GOING HOME!!!!!" cried hagumi to the narrator( whoops! that's me!.. heh-heh..... -_-0) " o-oh look.... Here it is... d-d-don't worry tis is the last one coming up....

"Hey... wait a minute...... Hagumi, Ashiya......can you come here for a while.... PRIVATELY......" said Yuki whispering to them. In a while, Ayumi was went question mark while they were still talking.In times, one of them started to stair towards Ayumi which made her a bit more nervous. As the night came, poor ayumi still went speechless as if there was nothing to do. in many minutes, or even hours.... they were finally done and went diffrnt path and stood still and both Hagumi and Ashiya's faces looked as if hoped to be forgiven while Yuki just smirked with excited. Clearly Ayumi went nervous. Then suddenly, "I HATE GIRLS WHO ARE A CRY BABY!!!!!". Those words blew Ayumi away. It was both of her friends whohave said it. She immediately fainted. As both traitors tried to revive her, Yuri paused them and told them to wait and see. Suddenly, the clouds were turning pale grey and water started to pour.

Suddenly, a grudge aura zap towards her. She stood up like a ghost and glared Yuri.Her eyes seems to have changed, so as her face as if she was another person. She started to open her mouth slowly, then smirked. "You told them to say those words didn't you?......~heh~ You'll pay for this!!!!!!!!!". Her voice changed deeply. It was too scary to describe. It was as if she was pocess by someone.

********************* To be continued*************************************

Ayumi hanaharu part 3- 25 decmber

Ayumi's P.O.V

Am i dreaming? let me wake myself up by pinching......~OOOUUUUUCCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!~ "~psst!~hey isn't he the boy you met yesterday and just no...-w?" ashiya looked towards me and saw me crying. " uh...? why are you crying?", since she sits next to me. ow! it still hurts after i pinch myself.( and yes! the mysterious prince you might wanna know was yuri hasagawa!(-_-0)


At first yuri acted cool and mysterious. As she saw Ayumi, hiding herself by covering herself with a book, he screamed her loudly until the whole class stared towards her. " HI AYUMI-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with his chibi,cute,princly face while waving cheerly. ashiya, hagumi and especially Ayumi had sweat drops on their heads.

As the bell rang,ayumi ran from being chased by the angry, jealousy girls who called themselves 'angry cute mobs'.(lame right!? heh(o^_^o)).suddenly someone covered her mouth and dragged her to a storage room and locked the door. It was yuri giving her a ~shh~ signal.when yuri tried to checked outside by the mini miri on the door, he whispered ayumi and said," the coast is clear!" with a grin." I guess i'm not the only one who've been chased,". Ayumi just kept quiet and blushed the whole time. "a-arigato......" as she bowed toward him. " you don't have to do that ya know...." as he smirked towards her. " now come on! before someone catches us again."

Both of them ran,until suddenly, they heard the mob. The searched for the nearest door, and went in immediately without knowing. As they went in, Ayumi was shocked. she realised that she was in the school hall. " good timing! aren't you going to audition? isn't that why you cried yesterday? if your're going to ask how i know, i asked one of the student council.". As he looked towards ayumi for her answer, ayumi looked like she was wondering off or just day dreaming because she was shocked after hearing yuri. he had sweat drops all over. He waved his hand in front of her face and said " uhh......Ayumi..... You can come back to earth now...." and still waving his hand. Suddenly, Ayumi has landed!(in a sarcastic way). "w..we..what!!!!!!" she shouted infront of yuri. Yuri immediately closed his ears. " man....!! and to think you're a quiet girl.... ehh......??? Are you ok?....." as he turned towards ayumi. Ayumi turned into a really really cute chibi .

Yuri's P.O.V

Man...... She's just too cute. wait! what's that sound? THE SCHOOL BELL!!!!!!!!!! I completely forgot!!!!! "Come on!! We're late for class!"


Yuri hold Ayumi's hand and ran. Yuri sighed realizing no mobs around them.

In the class room

" Where are the two students? Yuri and ayumi?" asked the teacher to the whole class. The whole class started to to gossip. " where are they?" asked ashiya towards hagumi.

********to be continued(********************************************

i think you like it here..... address: Fanfiction and check out my cousin's fiction story called BLANT YOSA.

Ayumi hanaharu part 2-(26 november)


Ayumi gave the books to yuri and left after seeing her friends. "Ayumi!!...", shouted Ashiya. "There's no use of catching up. remember sports day?" said Hagumi while giving her a straight answer. Ashiya just remembered and had sweat drops on her head.

As Ayumi arrived at her dome, she locked herself into the storage room. It's a place where she always hide. In a few minutes, Hagumi and Ashiya arrived to their dome, which they share. They knock the storage room without thinking where she hid since (they are bestfriends after all). " Come on Ayumi. It's really nothing! You can audition tomorrow or the next day. Just get out from the closet.", exclaimed Hagumi. " You guys d-don't understand! i h-humiliated myself infront of students in the hall!..." cried Ayumi. " What don't we understand?! We've been best friends since we were just children! me and Hagumi understand you better than anyone you know!! Now, please Ayumi... Get out from the closet! Please...." begged Ashiya.

In a moment, both hagumi and Ashiya heard the door nob being unlock. They both saw Ayumi froze with tears. She ran towards hagumi and ashiya and hugged them tightly. She apologised and still cried with them. (what best friends huh?...)

The Next Day

Ayumi's P.O.V

Wow... I feel kind of relax after yesterday. I'm so glad i have such good taste in choosing friends. Their the best. Wait...Why is some people kept on staring at me? I knew it! It's a bad choice to go to school today!...~ sob~ " Hey!", a voice came to me. as i turned, i saw the boy i bump to yesterday. " He...", he wanted to finish his sentence but he ran really quickly and tripped . " waaaaaaaa..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", he and i shouted in the same time.


"Ouch...", man that hurt! " eh-he... man... we gotta stop meeting like this.". ~smile~ Oh no... did he just saw me smile? Is that bad? oh no he smiled me back!! ~blushed~

Yuri's P.O.V

HEH... and to think she's a quite weird girl. he-he.~giggle~ Oh..., how cute! she even blushed! hahaha.......


" Hi there! You're Ayumi right? he-he. nice to see ya mate!" greeted Yuri with a salute and a big warm smile. " h-h-hello. I'm s-sorry for yesterday...." said ayumi looking down and hold her left arm down." H-hey?" said ashiya with confusion. "well...nice to see ya.", said yuri and gave her a frendly wave.

As they arrive in class, they heard rumors about a prince, going to learn in their school and also in the class. " see, no one remembered a thing about yesterday! what i tell ya." said ashiya ." That's b'cause they won't dare after they see hagumi, since, she is a yankee after all." she replied with a straight answer." and also the best...".

As the teacher came to class, he annouced that a royalty student is going to their class. I guess the rumors were right. Anyways. they saw a shodow appeared, coming to their class room." Here he is... Everyone, meet his royal highness..." introduced the teacher with proudness. "~gasp~" said ayumi speechlessly.

~@:@~.....***************************2 b continued ~@:@~.....**************************

Ayumi hanaharu part 1-3rd october

Hi! As u all know, tomorrows's raya! So, Selamat Hari Raya!!!! \(^_^)/yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, since tomorrows raya, i'm gonna give u a special ampau!!!! hehe!!!! Well, its not actually money, but a story that i made. So, hope u enjoy!!!!!!( p.s. Thanks for reading to liyana, auntie riana, and rest, and also zan, my supporter!!!)

Ayumi hanaharu

Do you sometimes feel that you're just waiting to out shine the world? Well, that kind of person is me. Hi! i'm Ayumi hanaharu. I'm deadly shy and i love to sing. I have two best friends named Hagumi hanata and Ashiya mizuki. We've been friends since i was a child. They took care of me very well. Anyways, i live at a boarding school since both my parents abandon me.The school is called Shanata's boarding school. The students here are really nice and the teacher, well, not so nice.(Gomen!!!(sorry!!!) if you're reading this sensei(teacher)).

Anyways, today at school, we're having an audition for the sakura festival donation. Its where people donate for our talent. It's held every year( sakura festival is when pink flower and all beautiful nature come to bloom.).And guess what, I'm going to audition later! wish me luck!!! And it's this afternoon after school is finish in the school hall, so right now, i'm kind of nervous...

At school in class 2-A

" Hey ayumi!!! come on here!!!" said hagumi and ashiya. I ran there with a smile." wow!! It's really rare for me to see you smile like this. Something good just happen?? Tell us!!!" said hagumi curiously." well, a-a-acually, I'm going to a-audition later after s-school", I reply. they both stared at me and it really looked creepy.... " Are sick today?? You want me to bring you to the nurse's room?" , said ashiya worriedly while touching on my forehead."Huh? oh no.... I'm not sick, it's just that.... I'm sick of hiding and i w-wanna try that's a-all",I replied." so you are sick?", said hagumi while trying to confuse me between the real sick and the 'I'm sick of hiding' thing.Suddenly, the teacher came and we all started our lesson.

After school at the school hall

After a while, it's was my turn to audition. I looked under the curtain and saw my friends supporting me. " ok... next please!" said one of the judges who is also a student but in different classes.When i went outside, My legs were shiverring like crazy. As i was about to sing, i saw people started to whisper and gossiping about me. One of the judges insisted me to start but, as i was about to sing, i immediately froze and went speechless. I apologised them and ran out from the stage and out from the hall. My friends tried to catch up but i was too fast for them.I was in deep tears while carrying the humiliation on my back. Suddenly,as i was about to ran out from school came a boy carrying a stack of books on my way. I accidently bumped to him and we both fell. "i-i'm s-sorry...."i said while helping him carry all the books that fell. " oh..it's ok. Iwas in a hurry mysel-....."As he was about to finish his sentence, he saw me wiping my tears from my face. He has brown hair and onyx eye."hi...I'm Yuri Hasagawa..I'm new here..Nice to meet you..may i ask, why are you crying??"he said to me."n-nice to m-meet you...I'm Ayumi hanaharu"i replied with an awkward smile.Suddenly, a voice calling my name and said,"Ayumi~huff~wait up~huff~huff~". It was hagumi and ashiya. Suddenly they both started to give me a 'what the?.....' kinda glare.

********~To be continued~**********************

(p.s.... Sorry if my english is not good)